Are You A Big Spender?

I plead the fifth!

Okay well I can’t really that considering what I posted on Saturday was a haul. I think that’s what prompted this post.

Tips for shopping!

I like to think I’m a logical person & even though I have a shopping addiction, I do know how one probably should be shopping. Smart shopping if you will. So here are a few tips that wouldn’t hurt to be followed at least once in awhile. 🙂

1. Have a budget!

Whether it be for each shopping trip or a monthly shopping spree, have a set budget. It helps manage your money & makes sure you still have some $$ in your bank account!

2. Make a list

I’m big on lists & they help me keep organized. They’re great for making sure you buy what you need. Whether if it’s a grocery list or for shopping at Sephora. Shopping can be overwhelming for some & lists can make things so much easier.

3. Get An Early Start

The only time my mom liked going grocery shopping was super early in the morning. Now, I’m not saying you have to be somewhere at opening hour but I can admit it does feel good to start my day early & productive. Wake up at a reasonable hour, get ready & head out. This way you’ll avoid big crowds & if you live in a hot state like I do, you’ll avoid the horrible summer heat!

4. Look for discounts!

Look online for discount codes, sign-up on websites, rewards cards! Any little will help & it’s certainly not something to be ashamed about. One I’ve been using is RetailMeNot.

5.Compare Prices

If a bottle of Essie nail polish is $8.59 at Target & $8.50 at Ulta, guess where I’m going?! Plus, if you got yourself that rewards card like in #4 you’ll get points & eventually you can accumulate enough for a free bottle on your next visit!

6. No plastic

If you need to & want to shop smartly, only take cash. Leave the credit card safely at home. You won’t be tempted to spend more than you want. If you have to, only take your budget’s worth in cash if you really need some help with self-control.

7. Buy for next season

Everybody knows that once summer is over that cute bathing suit you had your eye on will be half the price. So, do your “summer shopping” in the winter & your coat shopping in the summer. Of course this comes with a risk. There’s a chance the bathing suit won’t be there but if you can wait, wait.

8. Stay Home

No, this isn’t me telling you to stop shopping. I’m telling you to shop online, in the comfort of your home, in your pyjamas. I personally love online shopping. Especially when I finally see that little brown box outside my door. It’s a wonderful thing!

9. Get in that dressing room!

Try everything on! Nothing is worse than getting home & seeing that those cute shorts are frumpy in all the wrong places. That being said, NOTHING should be fitting you frumpy! It’s more annoying having to go back a second time than just going in the dressing room the 1st time around. It makes it easier if you wear clothes that are easy to get in & out of.

10. Just buy it

If you find something you absolutely love, it’s the last one,  even if you don’t necessarily need it at the moment, just get it. It might sound, okay it DOES sound, like a contradiction to my “frugal” tips but trust me, if you like it that much you’ll regret it when you go back & can’t find it. But think about it! Make sure it will be used & loved.

11. Get a second opinion

Enough said, really. If there’s a shadow of a doubt then it might not be worth it. Get a second opinion or carry it around in your cart for the remainder of your shopping trip & see how you feel about it before taking it up to the cashier.

12. Glam up a bit

If you’re clothes shopping, having a good hair & makeup day really does help with your overall try-on experience.Helps give you the whole picture.

Of course there are tons more I could add but my hands would fall off.

If there are any tips you believe should have made the list, write them down below. What’s your shopping must?

‘Til Next Time!

Love, Isel

Q&A: Does anything hurt today?

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